Practices will be held at the Rockdale City Pool located at Veteran's Memorial Park.
Practices run on average 45 minutes and begin with a 6 lap freestyle swim at a warm-up pace (fastest swimmers enter the pool first and are expected to be ON TIME!), followed by 100 sit-ups and 100 push-ups on the side of the pool wall (most swimmers cannot complete this and Coach cuts it short. This is primarily a work-out to keep the older swimmers busy while the younger swimmers finish their initial 6 laps).
Afterward, practice drills will vary during the week depending on how the swimmers did during the previous meet and what the Coach believes should be the next main focus, but regularly have an emphasis on starts and turns.
At the end of practice, Coach likes to create some form of team-building activity where all swimmers are working together - usually in the form of a game or relay. This is primarily for FUN, but is also an important component to having a large swim team and building comradery.